I did my first shoot today in Mission at a local tile place with Raul, the sales rep. I was quizzing myself on the intricacies of the camera and when I went back to the office I found that the footage I captured turned out just fine.

Toward the end of the day, Eduardo and I began discussing independent filmmaking and said he was looking for a director to helm short films he and his buddies are wanting to create. I said I was interested. He wants to do some Sin City shorts to gear up for a great big Star Wars fanfilm love story thing. I've always wanted to do one of those.
At LifeHouse this evening I got to see Eliza again. She's a nice girl. While she was talking to another guy and exchanging phone numbers -- numbers she didn't give me -- I sat down with Cecilia, the asian girl, and chatted about stuff. Her favorite color, like mine, is blue but she enjoys wearing bright, cheerful colors. I, however, gravitate toward earthy tones for myself.
Cecilia thinks I'm funny and a joy to be around. The conversation was [skillfully] shifted [by me] to relationships [ah-haha] and I was able to ask her out. She seemed interested and agreed that we could have dinner this weekend. So I'm calling Cecilia Kong at 6:30 Sunday evening for dinner at Denny's. That's right: she's into Denny's. And that's cool 'cuz I dig their hashbrowns.
Of course I'm testing her mettle. I hope she doesn't wind up like all the other girls -- since forever -- and actually is expecting me to call her and is anxiously awaiting out little get-together. But she's Korean so I have high hopes that means she's not a, ya know, mindless American chick that forgets about your dates and doesn't call you back when she says she will...
Oh, and yesterday, Emily Drefke called me "spiffy" and Elizabeth Etter stole, er, borrowed some of my breath mints from the sound booth at church. No matter, though: I don't know where those breath mints came from. I did think it was funny that she shared one with me from her pocket. It had lent on it but I didn't care.
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