Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Rainbow Blackout

The open to the morning show sucks monkey balls. Larry and Miriam wanted me to fix what we had before we go shoot something brand new. Once I finished the project, Larry asked me what I thought of it and I said it's "polished crap". Hey, you give me crap to work with and I can make it nice and shiny but it's still just a piece of crap.

Larry thought my work was pretty swell and called it "a good salvage job". Miriam, meanwhile, thinks I'm the coolest guy ever.

Athena, one of the new sales reps saw me today and said, "I like your belt and your shoes."

I stopped and said thanks.

"I like a man who's color-coordinated," she said.

I don't trust sales people, especially pretty ones who only want to butter me up so I don't make them bad product. Still, I took it in stride.

"Considering all the graphics I make, I kinda have to be color-coordinated," I replied. I probably could have thought of something more suave to say, but I didn't feel like thinking at that moment for some silly reason.

It rained ferociously over McAllen today. The wind had eventually managed to push over some power lines somewhere and shut down an entire section of the city including the television station where I work. The emergency lighting that illuminated the hallways did a DOOM job throughout the office. Made me want to grab a shotgun and go hunt some hellspawn. But anyway...

The rain had brought a pretty rainbow over Calvary. Too bad everyone else was inside and couldn't enjoy it. At least I took a picture of it.

I met Mirna, the woman who runs the bible study class my FAITH partner, Ana, invited me to. She kept looking at me with fondness. It must be love. She gave me some books and videotapes to watch and get caught up with. Just what I need: more homework. Didn't I graduate from school so I wouldn't have to do homework anymore? Oh well. At least I'm surrounded by girls.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

FAITH, 3 of 16

Made a promo for our new FOX affiliate today regarding a football-themed show that we will be airing soon. The interesting thing about the promo is that there is a part that says something along the lines of "be sure to watch this show on the local FOX affiliate" and I edited a shot of a woman holding a sign and swinging it back and forth. The shot comes from the raw footage of football plays, fans and cheerleaders I used to build the spot with.

The sign is an unfriendly epitaph to the opposing football team. I decided to use the shot as an advertisement for the FOX station. I took our station logo from our graphics department and inserted it onto the sign using Photoshop to creat the new sign and After Effects to marry the two images together along with a motion track.

I then stuck the new composition into the spot and voila! Instant self-promotion using the existing raw footage.

When Larry saw the spot, he was into it. Then he saw the comp.

"That-!" he started to say.

The shot continued on, then the shot of the coach giving his ten second "tune in" speech and then the tag and then the fade to black.

"That is terrific! Great job, young man," Larry continued. He was sincerely excited about my work. I knew the shot would give the localizing kick the spot really needed.

And Larry smiled. I think Larry's a Jason Fan now. At 5:40 he walked into my office with Miriam, the morning show host, saying "here he is, here's the kid" -- meant with affection, I'm sure. :) He had a videotape in his hand.

"This is the new opening to our morning show. The video is badly shot. The sound is awful, it's too long..."

"So it sucks," I interjected.

"Yeah. It sucks."

We watch the open and it does, indeed, suck. Miriam had many ideas. I told her to write them down and that I would take care of it. I had to leave for FAITH by 5:50 so I bid a semi-fond farewell and took my leave. We will meet again at 10am tomorrow morning to discuss what can be done about the morning show open.

At FAITH training tonight we visited a Chinese woman who had previously accepted Christ as her personal Lord and savior. We made that visit a ministerial visitation and explained some things about the baptist faith that seperated us from her catholic upbringing.

All I know is no matter what your "religion" is, so long as you "faith" is centered on the fact that if you believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins and then rose again, you are a Christian and can have an eternity in Heaven with God Almighty to look forward to after your worldly death.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


This is a picture of my friend Cecilia, the girl I met at Thursday night LifeHouse and have been seeing these past couple of weeks. This was taken with my camera phone at the end of our first date last Sunday.

She's very sweet, very smart and has some funny stories to tell. And she has a nice singing voice, I just found out. She likes the color blue, but enjoys wearing bright colors like pink and white and light green.

When I was describing Cecilia to my parents, my father reminded me of the song performed by Simon and Garfunkel. The song itself bears zero resemblance to our actual "just friends" relationship, but for a goof, here are the lyrics:

by Paul Simon

Cecilia, you're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh, Cecilia, I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home

Cecilia, you're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh, Cecilia, I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home
Come on home

Making love in the afternoon with Cecilia
Up in my bedroom (making love)
I got up to wash my face
When I come back to bed
Someone's taken my place

Cecilia, you're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh, Cecilia, I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home
Come on home

Jubilation, she loves me again,
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing,
Jubilation, she loves me again,
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing

Friday, August 26, 2005

Dinner At Cortina's

Second date with Cecilia.

She had told me yesterday about her pink Hello Kitty shirt and I asked to see her wear it. She did tonight. Very good: She passed THAT test. Mua-haha!

... anyway, we went to a little hole-in-the-wall italian food place called Cortina's east of Weslaco. It's a good drive away, but the food is certainly worth it. A fairly romantic setting, less the old couple in the corner that kept staring at us (at one point I heard the woman say "I think he said she's Korean" -- What? You got a problem?), Cortina's had the sort of earthy ambiance you'd expect from an italian food joint.

I ordered the mannicoti and she had the chicken fettuchini. Though we were pretty much full after the breadsticks and salad, we dove into our dinner plates with reckless abandon.

Molto squisito!

Yeah, that's Italian. So says Google, anyway.

Afterward we drove around in my car and sang to each other. I performed "Tonight" from West Side Story and Cecilia sand a love song in Korean. Pretty sweet date, I think.

Now we need to work on our harmony...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Avril Lavigne

At LifeHouse, we got into three groups and walked around the university grounds putting up posters for a new campus club that members of their church are heading up. I was with Cecilia, Barbie, Javier and his wife. We later met up with Zeek and his wife, as well.

During the later half of the evening, Barbie's live-in boyfriend, Eric, began harrassing her over the phone. I decided at that point that I hated Eric and Eric's ringtone on Barbie's cell phone.

Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated...

Afterwards, we went back to our little clubhouse across the street and fellowshipped for a bit. Cecilia practically asked me out tonight. Wanted to see me again and stuff.

"What am I doing tomorrow? Oh, nothin'... yet." :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hole In The Ground

Today went pretty well. Mayra, the FOX sales manager stopped by my office door and said "good morning, Jason" and smiled. I thought that was odd and all my brain could think to say was "hi." It's not that I was blinded by her looks or anything like that -- it's the simple fact that I don't believe Mayra's the kind of person that just stops what she's doing to say hi to someone; especially a lowly grunt like myself.

Still, I appreciated the gesture of common coworker courtesy. Hmm. That sounds like the title to a government pamphlet.

Some company was brought in to install a dish on the roof of the building, possible for the new FOX affiliate under construction within. They used one of those giant mobile crane things and sat it in the south-side parking lot and asked all of us there to park elsewhere for the time being. After lunch, they were finished and I returned my car to its usual south-side space.

Unfortunately, when they were moving the giant crane out of the lot, it's wheels jacked up the parking lot pretty bad.

THAT must have been fun to watch!

I was at the office too late tonight and couldn't go to Wednesday night youth worship to check out how T-Ray's sound system was doing after the revisions I made to it last night. But, no matter: there's always next week.

Wednesday night practice at Calvary went well. Tim's training another drummer because he'll be leaving for college this week. I'm going to need to re-arrange the stage a bit to accomodate the drummer needing to be nearer our band leader, Nancy, on piano.

The band and I moved the equipment around, but I'm going to want to go in later on this week to make everything pretty for Sunday. That reminds me: I also need to submit that itemized purchase list for more audio equipment.

I'm also going to need to make Taylor's CD for her -- she'll be expecting that on Sunday. She actually expected it today but I've been too busy to take care of that. Also, when am I going to get those DVD's Ana promised me?

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

FAITH, 2 of 16

First night of FAITH visitations. Pretty emotional. We made one visit this evening to an apartment occupied by college-age Hindiis. One was sortuv receptive to our testimony, the other -- his cousin -- was not. Both were polite, though. I came out of it with mixed emotions. I think I was sad neither of them made a profession. I was mad that the cousin was not receptive. I was happy to be serving God. Most of the time I'm a big, big sinner and it's only when I'm working for Him that I'm truly happy. I was exhausted afterward.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Chapel Sound

After work I help T-Ray over at the chapel set up for the youth stuff they do there. Actually, it was more like I re-organized the youth chapel and T-Ray helped. I told him I'd come in on Wednesday night worship to oversee the new setup's maiden voyage.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

First Date

The date with Cecilia actually happened. I am cheerfully surprised. In fact, Cecilia called me 45 minutes before she was supposed to and enquired if we were still on for the evening. How nice.

We had dinner at Denny's as planned. Took seperate cars to Barnes & Noble where she looked at books about London and I looked at books about Photoshop CS2 (they didn't have anything on the Avid Adrenaline). We later sat on the floor together in the religion section. Cecilia was going through a little pile of London books and Christian dating books.

I was reading The Idiot's Guide to The Bible.

Afterward, we took my car to Calvary where we sat in the church sanctuary and discussed long term relationship type stuff. At the moment, we're just friends but our long-term intents with this date have been made clear. Cecilia showed me the one song she admits she can play on the piano. I showed her the wide range of songs I've personally written for piano.

Afterward, Scott Hollinger and his son Tim showed up. After taking Cecilia back to her car at the B&N parking lot, I came back to the church to surf the [broadband] web and chat with the Hollingers. I told them of my date this evening and how well it seemed to have gone. I admitted to bringing my dates who were not from the church to Calvary to 1) show them where I'm coming from spiritually and 2) to show off on the piano. Scott very thoughtfully said "I could go for a guy who played the piano for me." Pfft, so would I. I mean, c'mon, right? I even briefly did the Ray Charles version of You Are So Beautiful and got applauded.

C'mon! I'd date me! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Jason's Screenplays

As of today, I have a new blog that will serve as my archive of short film scripts I have written or am currently writing called, of course, Jason's Screenplays.

The site is similar to my Fiction & Non-fiction blog where I post my short stories.

Friday, August 19, 2005

TGI Friday

That's right; it's Friday. And the only good that came of it was that Larry stopped me in the hall to ask me how I was doing and showed actual interest in my opinion.

"How are you doing today, young man?" he said.

"Oh, I'm fine. I'm a lot, lot, lot busy though," I replied.

"But are you enjoying it?"

"Oh yes, of course." And I was. I thouroughly enjoyed being kept busy because it made me feel important. And everyone needs to feel needed sometimes.

This time last week, I was wondering if I was going to enjoy working here. I do.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Asians And Indies

That title could be really racist if it wanted to.

I did my first shoot today in Mission at a local tile place with Raul, the sales rep. I was quizzing myself on the intricacies of the camera and when I went back to the office I found that the footage I captured turned out just fine.

Noellia, Larry's secretary, had funny sunglasses on her desk and wanted one of the girls in traffic to wear them. When she declined, I wore them in her stead.

Toward the end of the day, Eduardo and I began discussing independent filmmaking and said he was looking for a director to helm short films he and his buddies are wanting to create. I said I was interested. He wants to do some Sin City shorts to gear up for a great big Star Wars fanfilm love story thing. I've always wanted to do one of those.

At LifeHouse this evening I got to see Eliza again. She's a nice girl. While she was talking to another guy and exchanging phone numbers -- numbers she didn't give me -- I sat down with Cecilia, the asian girl, and chatted about stuff. Her favorite color, like mine, is blue but she enjoys wearing bright, cheerful colors. I, however, gravitate toward earthy tones for myself.

Cecilia thinks I'm funny and a joy to be around. The conversation was [skillfully] shifted [by me] to relationships [ah-haha] and I was able to ask her out. She seemed interested and agreed that we could have dinner this weekend. So I'm calling Cecilia Kong at 6:30 Sunday evening for dinner at Denny's. That's right: she's into Denny's. And that's cool 'cuz I dig their hashbrowns.

Of course I'm testing her mettle. I hope she doesn't wind up like all the other girls -- since forever -- and actually is expecting me to call her and is anxiously awaiting out little get-together. But she's Korean so I have high hopes that means she's not a, ya know, mindless American chick that forgets about your dates and doesn't call you back when she says she will...

Oh, and yesterday, Emily Drefke called me "spiffy" and Elizabeth Etter stole, er, borrowed some of my breath mints from the sound booth at church. No matter, though: I don't know where those breath mints came from. I did think it was funny that she shared one with me from her pocket. It had lent on it but I didn't care.

Nothing To Do

Nothing To Do
Words & Music by Jason R. Johnston
© 2005, Jason R. Johnston. All rights reserved.

Inspired by Psalm 101

I will sing of your love, O Lord.
I will sing you praise.
I will lead a blameless life. O Lord,
when will you come to me?

Faithless men will never cling.
Perverse hearts will be far from me.
I will look on no vile thing.
I will have nothing to do with an evil thing.

I will dwell with the faithful,
silence all the wicked.
O Blameless One,
minister to me.

I will sing of your love, O Lord.
I will sing you praise.
I will lead a blameless life. O Lord,
when will you come to me?

Come to me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


We finished the long form music video for the local car dealership. The director of marketing for the dealership, Martha, came in to view the spot.

Nick, the agency rep, took me to Golden Corral for lunch. We ate well and I kept the conversations humorous. On our way out, I opened the door for Larry as he was coming in. We didn't shake hands, but he didn't shake Nick's hand, either.

Martha wanted to make one or two changes to the spot so I'll be doing those tomorrow. I played the piano at church tonight after band practice for about an hour and a half. My hands are tired.

Mike Diaz, church custodian, saw Eliza at this evening's worship service at her church and tells me that she talked about me; asked about me. Eliza says that she'll be at LifeHouse tomorrow night. Again, I look forward to seeing her.

Taylor, an 8 or 9 or 10 year old girl I befriended at church, gave me a two for the price of one gift card for Fantasyland, a local skate park, out of friendship. I thought that was cool. Maybe I'll ask Eliza out.


This particular episode of Deep Space Nine season six I'm watching is called "Waltz" and it's pretty damn good. I always liked Gul Dukat; hated him; pittied him. Mark Alaimo is a fine actor and I appreciated recognizing him in Total Recall. I also like Casey Biggs as Damar and, of course, Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun. Great episode, Waltz.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Faith and The Great Commission

They started me off fast on the Avid. Here I am on an editing suite I've never touched before in my life and I'm having to do a five minute music video for a local car dealership. Nick, the agency rep, is a good guy and I've always enjoyed working with him. We had fun putting together the first few minutes of this thing. It's hard figuring out how to make the Avid work, however.

Tonight was the first night of FAITH which I have commited to from 6-9pm Tuesday nights, for the next 16 weeks. There's a lot of reading and memorizing of Bible verses involved, but it's nothing I can't handle, I think. Joe, one of the instructors, asked us to keep some sort of journal. I thought of this blog and smiled.

Sandra called me this evening during the meeting so I called her back afterward. We talked until 1am. I asked her to be my prayer partner to keep me in her thoughts Tuesday nights whilst I'm doing the FAITH thing. "I'm looking forward to completing your training," said Darth Vader.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Eduardo hadn't come back from vacation today so I continued to work on his editing machine. I'm not completely looking forward to wrestling with the Avid this week, but whatever; they'll probably start me off slow.

I found out that Analisa, the temp who worked with me over at my last job, has been hired at my [now] current job in a sales position. It's what she's always wanted and I wish her all the best. She gave me a big hug and called me by name. She owes me lunch one day. Now that I think about it; so do Jennifer, Marianna and Andi.

"I have a photographic memory; I see words!" Name that movie.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Home Alone

After church services I edited the sermon together for air on a local television station as I do every week. I started doing this on Sunday afternoon at the request of Tony Worley who wanted to give the station as much time as possible to troubleshoot in case of any tape-related problems. The parents are out of town until tomorrow so I'll have the evening to myself to watch Deep Space Nine in their bedroom as loud as I want it.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Friday and Satuday morning blended together pretty well, I think.

After I awoke at 17:00 to the sound of a lawnmower outside my window, I got up, showered, made pizza, washed the dishes, did the laundry and watched a few episodes of Deep Space Nine season three on DVD. I wish I had been able to hang out with the other singles this morning, but I needed the rest.

I'll probably be working at Calvary all day tomorrow, doing my normal Sunday morning duties combined with editing and DVD making. I hope Ana, the music ministry secretary, bought more DVDs so I can clear out enough hard drive space to edit tomorrow's sermon for television.

I'm going to go put up the rest of the pizza.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Larry walked into my office today and said, "You do good work, kid." I barely had the chance to say thank you before he briskly walked away. Still, I was honored.

Tonight I went to the get-together the folks from LifeHouse and Baptist Temple were putting together. I had to work until about 21:45 hours today so by the time I got home, changed, and found the place in Alamo, the group was pretty much already done for the evening. They had just started watching Napolean Dynamite. The only other time I had seen this movie was a DVD rip while serving with Chi-Rho. It kept skipping and I missed much of the story. This time, I got to take it all in. What's great is that I had been sitting all day so I stood in place throughout the movie. It felt good to use my glutes for such a long period of time. Basically, my ass hurt.

A fellow named Trevor and his wife were our guest speakers and talked to the mostly college-age group about college life, single life and just life in general. Some people had questions. I usually just sit and listen in these situations because I have a tendency to preach and almost did about "simplicity of life yet choosing to make it difficult".

Afterward, we sat down in little groups and talked amongst ourselves while most everyone else went to bed. I met an interesting girl named Sarah from Bolivia who used to be in R.O.T.C. and a ohmygodihaveanervoustick chick named Christina. At first I thought Christina was nervous but she just... she's just twitchy. She used to be a cheerleader. Go figure.

So the cute but twitchy ex-cheerleader Christina told us her life story without really telling us much of anything. She got bored listening to others but loved to talk, herself.

She told us about her pets and how she has the uncanny ability to "accidentally" murder them. Blacky was a mouse (one of those little fat rodents you feed to snakes) who was poisoned when Christina sprayed him with deoderant to make him not stinky. Blacky II was a gerbil who liked to ride in wheelbarrows, until he fell over the front and was run over. There was an entire gerbil family who was roasted when Christina left them out in the sun too long. And lets not forget all the overfed fish.

By about 07:30 hours Saturday morning, I was ready to collapse. I decided to go home, shower, and come back for 08:30 breakfast. When I got home, I laid down and closed my eyes. When I opened them, it was two in the afternoon.

Later, Samantha gave me a call to check up on me. I told her what happened and she had figured that I had gotten home and simply fallen asleep. I had such a long Friday that I wanted nothing more than to rest some more and that is precisely what I did.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I didn't get to see Eliza at LifeHouse tonight, however I did get to meet Cecilia Kong and Samantha. We were asked by Kenny, the den leader of this particular Lifehouse, to go door-to-door in the neighborhood and "represent" -- sort of a preview of what F.A.I.T.H. will be for me starting next Tuesday.

During the F.A.I.T.H. Lite excursion we ran into a couple of potheads, an East Indian family and a grandmother who each wanted nothing to do with us. Cecilia had never done this sort of thing before and was nervous as hell. Samantha has too much experience yet is so mousy was unable to really get anyone's attention.

We met a guy named Mike and his family. He's going through some stressful times, his wife is going back to school and they have three kids. They were doing the barbeque thing when we happened upon them. They were apparently cutting back from their eating out ways by staying in because of a recent car wreck which sort of bled them dry.

They were nice and let us pray over them. Samantha got my phone number and I got Cecilia's. Overall, it was a productive evening.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I wound up reshooting the footage for Larry's commercial today. This time, I had engineers manning their stations so it got done the way it was supposed to -- with clean audio. Cesar passed me to Veronica, the television controller, who passed me directly to Larry. Every one was afraid to be in the same room with him. I politely waited for him to get off the phone and calmly showed him the commercial. He was fine with it except for the footage of the DJ's doing the on camera. He also wanted me to add the time of their morning show to the beginning as it is in the ending. I said "sounds good. Will do." and promptly left. After meeting with some sales people, he then came into my office and elaborated on an idea to reshoot them in their studio.

Larry said something about these DJs having a face for radio. To which I replied, "when we reshoot them, maybe we can put masks over their heads." Larry laughed. Now we both know we can joke with each other. I think he has a good idea of how I'm getting along within the ranks and is content with my work. He had made it clear that my work was fine, but it was the on-screen talent themselves whom he did not care for.

Today was also my first edit with a client. There was no voiceover. Cesar showed me how to use the scanner then I took over. The client, an agenct for Breedan McCumber, a local ad agency, will be back around 9:30 tomorrow morning to hand over the voiceover and to complete the spot. I'll also continue work on Crazy Buffet, an english spot being translated to spanish with in-house footage I started on today. I didn't have a script so I went to to figure out the english to spanish translations. When I told him this, Cesar was pleased at my ingenuity. I wound enjoy it if he were just as pleased with the final spot once it's finished tomorrow.

I also sat down at the Avid Adrenaline to figure it out. I'm going through the online tutorials momentarily. It's a brand new program I've never, ever seen before in my life. I should have it mastered in a few days.

This evening at Calvary, the choir was impressed at my new wardrobe. They now expect to see me as dashing every day now. We'll see. The chorus was busy calling on church members to join the choir as there is a very short attendence this summer. Apparently, they should be getting five more people this coming Sunday.

During band practice I sat in as drummer and Scott, our interim music minister, motioned for me to make a drum flurish. When I did -- and surprisingly well, too -- he smiled. Scott later said "Let's all welcome our new drummer." Leorah, a guitarist, said "you rock." Scott later asked increduously, "and you haven't had much experience with the drums before?!" I said, "not since I was, like, three." I then asked we play the song He Reigns again and we had fun doing that.

I have comitted to buying a lunch plate for $5 at work tomorrow. Then I loaned a single to a fellow employee. He said he'll pay me back tomorrow. In the meantime, I have about $30 in my bank account so I'm pretty much broke. I wonder when I'm going to get my first paycheck from the new job.

Tomorrow evening is the Christian singles group from Baptist Temple's weekly get-together. I hope Eliza will be there.

Monday, August 08, 2005

First Day

My first day of work. A thin woman named Gabrielle took my hand as she introduced herself. She then listened intently as I told her my name. She smiled. Most of the women at this office are stunningly attractive. Many, I hear, are touchy-feely. Even better, the majority of those types are also single. Gabrielle's one of those girls who has a warm and friendly face. I'll probably enjoy working here.

I had to shoot three radio personalities on camera. Master Control wasn't monitoring the audio levels so it wound up being distorted. I wanted to reshoot today but the studio was being refitted for the newscast later that evening. I used the footage I had and completed the spot, regardless. Everyone agrees the footage sucks, but the post I applied to the spot really stands out. I'll have to reshoot tomorrow. This spot is for Larry, though, and he'll come looking for it soon. I won't back down. I will tell him what happened and show him what I had done, explaining that the new footage will simply be placed over the old footage and voila! Finished commercial.

I worked so hard on the spot that I didn't take my lunch break. It didn't really matter -- I wasn't hungry, anyway.

In the afternoon I created a commercial for a home healthcare business. It had to be done by 4:30 and I managed to do so. Cesar later admitted that he knew he was starting me off kind of hard. I told him I didn't mind -- I love a challenge.

It's bedtime now and I look forward to my second day of work tomorrow.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I'm Hired

Cesar called me in this morning to see Larry, the General Manager, for an interview. Apparently, when you're asked to see the GM it means that the other managers have decided to hire you and then only need his final approval. I arrived five minutes early wearing beige slacks and the olive dress shirt I bought with my one expensive black suit a few years ago. Cesar sat with me in the GM's office.

Larry looked over my resume and asked a few simple questions. "Where are you from?" "How did you get in this business?" "Do you speak Spanish?" "You know Maya?" I responded with simple answers. "I'm from here." "I started editing right out of high school after taking Cesar's television class." "Not really, but I've made tons of spanish spots over at FOX/Televisa." "I've toyed with Maya Complete a little bit."

Larry glared at me like I had just called him an asshole.

"If I call Kellie Wright over at Televisa, is she going to give me a good review about you because you go to the same church as she does?" he asked. He must have read the part about me currently being the chief sound engineer over at Calvary. I wondered why he had called Kellie by her maiden name.

"No, sir. I've known her a long while before I started working at Calvary. We're actually good friends," I said. Larry turned to Cesar.

"Let's get him on one of the machines and we'll see what he can do while I check his references." It's like I wasn't even in the room. I stood up, not saying anything and reached out my hand. Larry responded lazily, not even looking at me. Must be the don't-mess-with-me facade corporate managers often have. At least he meant business.

After a while, Cesar took me aside and told me I got the job. I told him my last job paid two grand a month. I wonder what these guys are planning to spend on me. Personally, any amount will be just fine with me.

As the day was ending I saw Sherry and she began to walk with me down the hall. She was asking me how everything went when we happened upon Larry.

"You know this guy?"

"Oh yes; from Calvary. Jason's very dependable," Sherry said. She has my back, I thought.

"I'm dependable on Sundays, anyway," I joked.

Sherry agreed and Larry finally smiled at both of us.

"Well why didn't you say so," he said.

I think he was showing that he felt he had made the right decision in hiring me. I'm not about to make him regret it.

That evening, I was editing at Calvary when Sherry and her husband Mike called to congratulate me. When I told her about the interview, Sherry told me that Larry used to be married to Kellie Wright. It made sudden sense why he didn't call her McDaniel, her new married name. Sherry told me they were still friends, though. I was relieved.

Sherry then said that had she known I was coming in to interview today, she would have just used her influence at the office to persuade Larry to hire me on the spot. She wouldn't have done that for just anyone, she said. I appreciated the offer, but I silently enjoyed the idea of proving myself today. See, world? I can do this!

Tomorrow will be a good day.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Silence of The Lambs

One of my favorite films is Jonathan Demme's The Silence of The Lambs and its not because of the [little amount of] gore or the disturbingly profound ideas of human cannibalism and mutilation. The writing is clever, the acting is spot-on, there was clear direction and the violence/gore was tasteful in a Hitchcock-in-the-90's kind of way.

Hannibal (2001), in contrast, was apphaling and shabbily directed and I only say that because it was Ridley Scott and he should have known better. The only scene that's worth a damn in the entire movie is the final five minutes at the dinner table. Hannibal de-evolved into a slasher -- that wasn't scary -- where the gore is merely there for shock value and provides nothing for the context of the movie, especially considering how well the violence, or rather, the absence of it in Silence, plays to audiences today.

Red Dragon (2002), however, reminds us that violence doesn't have to be overdone to still be effective. People like to criticize Brent Ratner for fashioning a film that so clearly evokes Jonathan Demme's direction of The Silence of The Lambs in 1991 but really, it was exactly what the film needed.

You don't need gore to be scary. I've posthulated that untalented directors will use an overabundance of gore to make up for their inadequacies as a director. This is not true most of the time, however. Keep in mind the adequately scary Evil Dead and the delightfuly screwed-up Dead Alive. In that respect, I offer a different view on movie violence.

There is "gore", and there is "necessary violence". Gore is having a guy's face get ripped off by zombies. Necessary violence is a disemboweled soldier in Saving Private Ryan.

Remember to watch movies with an eye for intent. What was the director's intention of showing us the mutilated soldier? War is hell. What was the director's intent of showing the fountain of blood spewing horizontally out of the wall? To make us laugh. What was the intent of showing a guy's head get blown off with a shotgun? To make us gag.

The point to all of this, as Mystery Science Theater 3000 so rightly reminded us, is that a movie, no matter how poorly made, as long as it is entertaining, can still be a lot of fun to watch. The Silence of The Lambs entertains us because it's raw and disturbing and fun all at the same time. You are entranced by Hannibal Lecter and Buffalo Bill; completely engaged by them.

And in the back of your mind you want Clarice and Hannibal to have a romantic relationship. She's terrified yet completely attracted to the good doctor. Meanwhile, Lecter is... well, it's pretty clear how he feels. Remember how he caresses her finger moments before she is torn away from his holding pen in Memphis? Ah, the notion of a never-can-happen relationship. Reminds you of real life, doesn't it? Oh how I'd love to be in Nicole Kidman's arms right now.

Silence was fun. Hannibal was not. If Hannibal had been fun, then the gore wouldn't have mattered. Instead they tried to make the movie fun by making it gory. In retrospect, Silence wouldn't have been as much fun if it were as gory as Hannibal.

I have no ending for this, so I take a small bow. :)

"Ready when you are, Sargent Pembry."